1. As long as you have eyelashes, you can get eyelash extensions done.
2. The process takes around 1 and half hours.
3. For people who do not apply a lot of makeup, it can last around 3 weeks to a month.
4. To maintain the extensions, you can come for touchups.
5. The fibers for the extensions are already curled, so curler, eyeliner and mascara must be avoided.
6. To maintain the extensions, you should: -
a) avoid rubbing your eyes.
b) not splash water towards your eyes.
c) clean your eye area with a facial sponge.
d) not pull at the lashes or use any form of force on it.
e) stop using mascara, curler and eyeliner, eye shadow
can be used.
f) not go for swimming.
7. When you get the extensions done, do not wash your face within the first 2 hours so that the glue can dry completely.